Friday, April 11, 2008


(1) Where was this picture taken?
(2) Why is it in my blog?


Gale said...
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Gale said...

I see the Canadian flag is lit, so I assume it is someplace in Canada.
You are going to Vancouver, CA?

Anonymous said...

Who's going to Hamburg, Germany? I am guessing that either one of the kids is going or K and you are going with a church group or something...maybe you already went and that is why you haven't blogged for some time....

The Mad Tern said...

Who guessed and deleted? I need to know, because I am having trouble figuring out how to delete comments.

Gel-oh, you must have a much better monitor than I have to be able to figure out the Canadian flag thing (or are you guessing?).

Ke, congratulations on getting Part 1. I am guessing that your secret for figuring it out involves either a clever use of Google or some past travel experience of your husband's. I cannot say, however, that you are doing quite as well with Part 2.

Anonymous said...

No fair, you told Ke she was right before I even got to see it! It's all right; I had no clue. Is this where Ray will go for his mission? Did Andy get a job there? Is this where Joe's great(x5)grandparents came from? Is Andy applying to grad school there?

The Mad Tern said...

Yeah, Mau! You got Part 2 on your first guess! Maybe your third guess too. I know nothing of Joe's ancestors. Ray will go to training to learn German on June 18 and fly to Germany sometime in August. His mission includes about the northwest quarter of Germany from Denmark on the north and the Netherlands on the west down to Essen in the south and about halfway across the country to the east. He could be anywhere in that area at any given time in the next two years. Hamburg is the largest city.

The Mad Tern said...

BTW, Ke, this will not affect your trip in June. We won't be going away to take Ray anywhere. We'll just put him on a plane on June 16 or 17.

Anonymous said...

Hey do I get a regrade? Shouldn't I get partial credit for saying one of the kids is going there? And I even mentioned church....Any spare missions that need completing? I don't want Thailand or anything, but Hawaii might be nice. Ray should really enjoy this! How do they select who goes where? Our trip is July anyway...JW may have given you bogus information. Hey Mau--they are going to have to make these quiz/brain teasers a little harder to stump people like you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe Ray will blog from Germany!

The Mad Tern said...

I doubt Ray will blog from Germany. He'll be even busier there than he has been at college.

Ke, I will give you a regrade if you will tell me how you figured out that the pic was Hamburg.

Anonymous said...

OK deal...Since JW is in CA this week (he is my absolute best source for "where is this?"...he recognizes a lot of places), I had to do the next best thing. In order to see the picture better, I clicked it to make it larger (but I couldn't get it large enough to see the Canadian flag). Then I saw the url associated with the photo, and I said to self, "Self, there's a clue!" The last words of the url are moonoverhb. Well, with the HB and the water and since it did not look like a picture taken on any of the US coasts, I tried Hamburg, Germany. I got images of Hamburg and saw similar buildings, etc, probably even the same buildings from a different viewpoint, so I ventured a pretty well-educated guess. How about you add on an A for effort, too?

The Mad Tern said...

Yeah, I thought about changing the photofile name to get rid of the HB, but I thought to myself, "Self, two letters won't give it away. It could be HeidelBurg or Hainaut, Belgium or Hudson Bay or Hamilton, Bermuda or HeBrides Island or HyderaBad or HoBart or even Hungary (Budapest)." Just goes to show I should never take anything for granted when a determined Ke or Mau is involved! "A" for "affort," and I will be more careful next time.